The perspectives and priorities of people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) should be integrated into ...
The perspectives and priorities of people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) should be integrated into ...
Leading New Zealand health expert Lutz Beckert wants a new Australian Government standard of care for chronic obstructive ...
Comparison measures of lung function and improved categorization of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk were among the key ...
In COPD, respiratory morbidity and mortality are associated with airway luminal narrowing, a change that can be measured.
在我国传统中医学中,COPD属于“喘证”“痰饮”以及“肺胀”等范畴,中医肺康复疗法主要采用以下治疗方法,包括中药、针灸、推拿、艾灸、穴位贴敷、膏方疗法、中医导引技术(以太极拳、易筋经、五禽戏、八段锦、六字诀、内养功等传统功法为主要手段)、食疗等治疗方 ...
A systematic review reveals chronic pulmonary aspergillosis mortality is driven by age and underlying conditions, ...
Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis is a silent but severe threat to individuals with lung diseases making it important to ...
Lung Disease Therapeutics Market. The global lung disease therapeutics market is on an impressive growth trajectory, ...
A RECENT study examining the impact of airflow limitation (AL) on lung cancer (LC) screening outcomes suggests that the ...
Tuesday, Long Beach Police arrested two suspects they say followed delivery trucks and stole recently delivered packages. LBPD arrested 36-year-old Meagan Demary and 44-year-old John Woodard, both of ...