Hokejisti Slovana Bratislava prehrali v domácom zápase 46. kola Tipos extraligy s Banskou Bystricou 2:3. Je to pre nich už ...
Bratislava, 21 February (TASR) - Rallies are being held in several Slovak cities and towns on Friday evening to mark the seventh anniversary of the murders of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Mar ...
Basketbalistky YOUNG ANGELS Košice si poradili v 3. kole nadstavbovej skupiny o 1. až 6. miesto so Slovanom Bratislava 85:67.
Bratislava, February 19 (TASR) - Slovakia is in for additional years of looting, decline and international disgrace, leader of opposition 'Slovakia' party Igor Matovic stated in response to the news o ...