Led by The Glory’s Lim Ji-yeon, The Tale of Lady Ok is an upcoming legal K-drama set in the Joseon period. It follows the titular Lady Ok, a smart and popular attorney who uses a fake identity ...
Get ready for the captivating drama 'The Tale of Lady Ok,' premiering on November 30th. The story follows Goo Deok Yi, a former slave who transforms into the elegant Lady Ok Tae Young, concealing ...
The fierce survival and success of a female slave in the Joseon Dynasty, and the story of a woman whose name, identity, and even her husband were all fake.
The mistreated slave Gudeok, played by Lim Ji-yeon, runs away and hides, pretending to be a noblewoman. It's a risky move.
Here is everything about The Tale Of Lady Ok episode 3, like the airdate, preview, spoilers, and streaming details.
JTBC’s The Tale of Lady Ok is capturing viewers’ hearts with its engaging story and stellar performances. The weekend drama, ...
JTBC’s “The Tale of Lady Ok” is on the rise! On December 1, the new romance drama starring Lim Ji Yeon and Choo Young Woo saw ...