如果以前的你对BBA有很深的情愫,那么现在其实可以放放了。现在如果你手握20万购车预算,那么我并不建议你果断入手新车,因为行情跳水已经是BBA入门级轿车市场的常态。像奥迪A4L、凯迪拉克CT4、宝马1系等车型,在终端市场都有大幅的价格优惠,然即便如此 ...
The facelifted Audi A3 will switch to a mild-hybrid 1.5 TFSI (and ditch the "lower-rung" trim levels) when it launches ...
The A3 allstreet is powered by a 1.5-litre petrol engine and an electric motor, and offers DC and AC charging.
The base Audi A3 has received more standard equipment with its facelift, but it's pricier than before while the all-wheel ...
ALSO READ: Audi A3 returns from the knife with new subscription features In terms of models, the S line will be the sole trim ...
日前,车质网从海外获悉,奥迪在欧洲市场推出了奥迪A3插混版车型,新车提供40 TFSle和45 TFSle两种配置,官方指导价为46230-54430欧元(约合人民币35.68-42万元),纯电续航里程最长可达143km。
The facelifted Audi A3 and S3 hatch and sedan have been detailed for Australia with styling revisions, new technology, and ...
奥迪A3 2024款 Sportback 35 TFSI 进取致雅型20.31万 获取底价车主说 图片 参数配置 奥迪A3 2024款 Sportback 35 TFSI 时尚运动型22.42万 获取底价车主说 图片 参数配置 奥迪A3 2024款 Sportback 35 TFSI 时尚致雅型22.42万 获取底价车主说 图片 参数配置 奥迪A3 2024款 Sportback 35 TFSI ...