在中方的强硬之下,荷兰瞬间就怂了,开始通过各种方式和美国进行协商,最终并没有取得结果,只能在8月底的时候妥协了, 并公开回应:将会开始限制中国客户的售后服务,主要针对的是我们还未完成自主化的中高端DUV光刻机。
A deep dive into ASML's monopoly in EUV lithography, its response to market headwinds, and why it remains a keystone of the ...
12月3日消息,日前,光刻机巨头ASML(阿斯麦)发布声明,称美国发布最新版先进计算和半导体制造设备规则,对出口芯片制造技术的供应商施加了更多限制。 这些规定将立即生效,其中一些变更的合规日期将延迟至12月31日。 ASML称,目前正在评估新法规对其的潜在影响。 ASML认为,从长远来看,半导体行业的需求情境预计不会受到新规影响,因为这些情境是基于全球对晶圆的需求,而非按照任何特定的地理划分。 据 ...
(阿姆斯特丹3日讯)为半导体行业提供晶片制造机器的荷兰科技巨头阿斯麦公司(ASML),对美国宣布向中国实施新的出口管制措施并未放在心上,仍维持原有利润预测不变。法新社报导,美国周一公布对包括中国顶尖晶片企业在内的140家公司,实施新一轮限制措施。美国 ...
ASML has pulled back 40% from its highs. But management just reiterated its positive outlook for 2030. EUV technology ...
ASML's revenue is bolstered by its large installed base, generating income through hardware and software updates, and service ...
ASML is one of the most important companies in the world, trading at a P/E multiple in line with their 2022 lows. Read why I ...
ASML sees a limited impact of the US fresh restrictions on AI chip exports to China and maintains its guidance for 2024 and ...
Dutch tech giant ASML, which supplies chip-making machines for the semiconductor industry, brushed off the announcement of fresh US export curbs to China, keeping its forecasts unchanged.
ASML will introduce a wide-field i-line scanner, marking the firm’s first step in the back-end semiconductor market.