Brown, Nicole and Ramlackhan, Karen 2022. Exploring experiences of ableism in academia: a constructivist inquiry. Higher Education, Vol. 83, Issue. 6, p. 1225. Embedded in personal experiences, this ...
Raffety gleans examples from her fieldwork to demonstrate how ableism operates in churches today, including through interpretations of scripture. This section of the book is well argued: I imagine ...
Ableism is discrimination and bias against the disabled. After fighting for and winning the battle to have Section 504 regulated in 1977 and the 1990 ADA signed into law, we still experience ableism ...
In recent years, the concepts of ableism and disablism have conflated. We want to consider the theoretical purchase of ableism and explore the ways in which this ideology works with disablism and ...
The 2019 book examines Clanchy's time teaching in UK state schools. In response, the author said she's "grateful" for a chance to rewrite it. "I know I got many things wrong, and welcome the ...