If hands can soothe and dazzle with their elegance, these artists suggest, they can tear and scratch too. They can be silent ...
Birds possess unique skin appendages called feathers that are derived from the outermost layer of skin cells. Feathers are ...
The mantis shrimp’s astonishing punch, cancer-detecting vision and remarkable capacity for cellular repair make it an ...
The discovery may push back the emergence of the reptiles that once ruled the Earth, and clarify how dinosaurs like the ...
近日,一项发表在《古脊椎动物学报》(Vertebrata Palasiatica)上的研究成果吸引了大家的注意。成果的主角是来自重庆特异埋藏化石库中的一种真盔甲鱼类——双叉苗家鱼(Miaojiaaspis dichotomus gen. et sp.
近日,一项发表在《古脊椎动物学报》(Vertebrata Palasiatica)上的研究成果吸引了大家的注意:成果的主角是来自重庆特异埋藏化石库中的一种真盔甲鱼类——双叉苗家鱼(Miaojiaaspis ...
On average, phytoplankton are only five to 10 percent heavier than seawater. This means if they want to remain at the surface ...
The natural motors that power tail-like appendages in bacteria seem to have a single evolutionary origin, allowing parts from ...
约5.18亿年前的澄江生物群以其保存完好的化石而闻名,是探索早期生命形态和多样性的关键地点。澄江生物群不仅为我们提供了大量关于寒武纪时期海洋生态系统的宝贵信息,还揭示了早期多细胞生物的复杂性和多样性。奇丽灰姑娘虫是一种生活在这一时期的独特节肢动物,属 ...
Evolution has turned out bizarre and baffling creatures, such as walking fish. It only gets weirder from there. Some of these ...
约5.18亿年前的澄江生物群以其保存完好的化石而闻名,是探索早期生命形态和多样性的关键地点。澄江生物群不仅提供了大量关于寒武纪时期海洋生态系统的宝贵信息,还揭示了早期多细胞生物的复杂性和多样性。奇丽灰姑娘虫是一种生活在这一时期的独特节肢动物,属于海怪 ...
But I’ve got to go with Ja’Lynn Polk, who had zero catches on three targets (none easy, but all catchable) and fell down on a ...