Located on the surface of the temporal lobes, the primary auditory cortex of each hemisphere processes input from the opposite ear. Cranial nerves, however, communicate with both hemispheres.
Here we propose an alternative model of functional segregation in the auditory cortex. Our model agrees that the ventral pathway is probably involved in perceiving auditory objects by extracting ...
When it comes to cortical structure, no, not necessarily. We know the auditory cortex has more myelin in the left hemisphere of most people. Myelin is a fatty substance that acts as an insulator ...
When it comes to cortical structure, no, not necessarily. We know the auditory cortex has more myelin in the left hemisphere of most people. Myelin is a fatty substance that acts as an insulator ...
The topmost portion is divided into two hemispheres, each with four lobes, within which are many other subdivisions. The cerebral cortex forms ... in certain ways. Both hemispheres work closely ...