The Avatar Collection tells the story of the world of Pandora, inhabited by the indigenous humanoids, the Na'vi. The main protagonist, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), is sent to Pandora as an avatar ...
Wicked, the movie adaptation of the award-winning Broadway musical starring Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo is the new champion at the weekend box office. New movies in theaters - Wicked ...
During a recent chat with Graham Bensinger on the In Depth podcast, Brolin said Oscar-winner Cameron, 70, was 'angry' over him refusing to join the cast ... Avatar: The Way of Water - which ...
It's finally time to return to Pandora in Avatar: The Way of Water. But what's the best way to see James Cameron's sci-fi epic? First things first, yes, it's an absolute must to watch the movie in 3D.
What will be most determinative for the degree of success enjoyed by Avatar: The Way of Water is whether it delivers the visual and emotional awe of the original movie. And in that regard ...
Kate Winslet, who first worked with director James Cameron on Titanic, appears in Avatar: The Way of Water Avatar: The Way of Water, the sequel to the highest-grossing movie of all time ...
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, all four nations lived together in harmony on the Nickelodeon animated show Avatar ... cast members who are bringing the animated show to the screen in a new way.
The initial season of the series will be running for eight episodes, and Netflix begins to tease Avatar: The Last Airbender as such, “Water ... they meet along the way.” ...