Many types of transistors are manufactured, with the most quantifiable difference being the methods of construction. The first useful transistor, the bipolar junction transistor, was constructed by ...
A transistor is made of semiconductor, mostly of silicon in present days. Two types of constructions are possible, either a p-region sandwiched between two n-regions or vice versa, as sketched in ...
NPN A physical BJT transistor arrangement where the emitter and the collector are made of N-type material and the base of P-type. PNP A physical BJT transistor arrangement where the emitter and the ...
In this module on BJTs (bipolar junction transistors), we will cover the following topics: BJT Device structures, Energy band diagrams, Active bias, Leakage current, Recombination in base, Hoe ...
Also called a "bipolar junction transistor" (BJT), it is one of two major transistor categories; the other is "field-effect transistor" (FET). Although the first transistor was bipolar and the ...