Hopeful signs for declining grey whale population Unlike humans and other mammals, baleen whales don’t have teeth or vocal cords. Instead, in their voice boxes, they have a U-shaped tissue that ...
He had to steady his hands to capture this close-up composition as the boat rocked in the swell. Bryde's whales have up to 370 pairs of grey-coloured plates of baleen growing inside their upper jaws.
These things can tell us about the evolutionary history of whales. 'For instance, humpback whales are filter feeders, meaning they have hundreds of plates of baleen in their mouth instead of teeth.
These whales' massive heads and jaws accommodate hundreds of baleen “teeth.” Rights and other baleen-feeding whales use a comblike strainer of baleen plates and bristles to ensnare tiny ...
Scientists have worked out how some of the largest whales in the ocean produce their haunting and complex songs. Humpbacks and other baleen whales have evolved a specialised "voice box" that ...
from the 30-metre blue whale to the two-metre dwarf sperm whale. However, almost all of the largest family by size, the baleen whales, are massive – and scientists have only recently understood how ...
A new study offers the first compelling evidence that baleen whales can synchronize their dives despite being many miles apart. “The possibility of acoustically connected whales, which seem to ...
Baleen whales are the titans of the ocean, the largest animals to have ever lived. The record holder is the blue whale ...
Baleen whales come to feast on the bounty, and in 2010, two bowhead whales entered the bay to gorge. As the pair came within 100 kilometers of one another, they were visually out of range ...
The Southern Ocean encircling Antarctica is the world’s largest feeding ground for baleen whales — species like humpbacks that filter tiny organisms from seawater for food. In the 20th century ...
Baleen whales come to feast on the bounty, and in 2010, two bowhead whales entered the bay to gorge. As the pair came within 100 kilometers of each other, they were visually out of range ...