回声定位叫声通常为超声波——频率范围在20赫兹至200千赫兹之间,而人类的正常听力上限通常约为20千赫兹。即便如此,我们仍能听到某些蝙蝠(例如斑点蝠)发出的回声定位声。这些噪音类似于两颗圆形卵石相互撞击所产生的声音。总体而言,回声定位叫声的特征体现于 ...
Officials said the AI, called "machine-learning", has been used to differentiate between social calls and feeding buzzes in different bat species. The States said identifying calls had "huge ...
Most bats feed on insects, and they often use powerful, long-range calls, pumped out with every upstroke of their wings. Nectar bats send gentle but very sophisticated calls, which scientists ...
The bat's brain reacts to sounds even when the animal is anesthetized and fast asleep. Either echolocation or communication ...