Meyers: The Moses of the Bible is larger than life ... found in the middle of the book of Exodus [Exod 15:1-22]. This victory hymn probably dates to the 12th century B.C.E. It's also important ...
Jewish singer Debbie Friedman, who died in 2011, wrote “Miriam’s Song,” adapting these lines from Exodus into a modern ...
Is your local school or theatre trying to decide what show to produce next? Check out what titles have recently been released ...
Naturally, God’s telling of the story is rather different. In the Book of Exodus, Moses returns from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments to find the Israelites worshiping man-made gods ...
This journey, chronicled in the biblical Book of Exodus, lasted for forty years. While Moses himself did not physically enter the Promised Land, his leadership and teachings influenced the ...
Remember: in the Book of Revelation ... shielding his face from Moses but allowing him to see his back (Exodus 33:12–23).