Meyers: The Moses of the Bible is larger than life ... found in the middle of the book of Exodus [Exod 15:1-22]. This victory hymn probably dates to the 12th century B.C.E. It's also important ...
A Metaphor for Moses’s Metamorphosis In Chapter 34 of the Old Testament’s Book of Exodus, Moses communes with God on Mount Sinai to renew a broken covenant between God and the Israelites.
The Decalogue, wrongly called the Ten Commandments, appears in Exodus and Deuteronomy. In Exodus, the law is to “remember” ...
Most versions of the story of Moses agree that he was not forgiving to those who abandoned God to worship an idol, and according to the Book of Exodus, about 3,000 people were killed for this crime.
Remember: in the Book of Revelation ... shielding his face from Moses but allowing him to see his back (Exodus 33:12–23).
This year, Netflix picked the season to premiere “Testament: The Story of Moses,” a docudrama retelling the Exodus with expert ... in two censuses, in the book of Genesis and the book of ...