A new study has revealed that common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) are capable of delayed gratification, a trait previously ...
How can the soft bodies of coleoid cephalopods so aptly hide in their environment? Why must they? What cells and specialized organs make such crypsis possible for one of the older evolutionary ...
Coleoid cephalopods (octopus, squid and cuttlefish) are unable to thermoregulate and rely on their environment to maintain internal temperatures. A new study, led by researchers at the University of ...
Ammonites were shelled cephalopods that died out about 66 million years ago. Fossils of them are found all around the world, sometimes in very large concentrations. The often tightly wound shells of ...
The many chambers of their shells likely helped these cephalopods glide through the planet’s warm, shallow seas. A thin, tubelike structure called a siphuncle pumped air through the interior ...
From octopuses to snails, the complicated molluscan family tree has now been mapped in unprecedented detail, researchers report. This includes sequences for 13 new complete genomes from across the ...
According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, octopuses poop from their siphon or funnel, a large, tube-like structure they also use to shoot water. It’s located on the side of the octopus‘ mantle, which is ...
The octopus is a marvel of the sea. With their eight flexible, sucker-lined tentacles, their vast intelligence, and the ability to squeeze themselves into tight spaces, these cephalopods have long ...
That makes it one of the oldest known animal sex chromosomes. The finding also is evidence that octopuses and other cephalopods, a class of sea animals that includes squid and nautiluses ...
That makes it one of the oldest known animal sex chromosomes. The finding also is evidence that octopuses and other cephalopods, a class of sea animals that includes squid and nautiluses ...