While proposed law establishes a state statute, local schools and districts would remain free to set their own ...
South Carolina teachers are reacting to a bill that would mandate that they are recorded every day, all day, while teaching in the classroom.
Saul Hinojosa, South San's state-appointed superintendent, wants to improve the district's academic outcomes by investing in ...
Kaufman: States and districts are adopting more high-quality curricular materials, but prep programs are not showing new teachers how to use them.
The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation (IALF) has awarded nearly 120 grants to schools across Iowa, empowering educators to ...
The bill would raise the minimum hours of instruction for core classes in Ohio by a little over two weeks each year.
North Carolina House lawmakers moved a bill through committee on Tuesday aimed at curbing student cell phone use during ...
A professor of educational theory is creating an AI tool that records video and audio to determine whether a teacher addressed each section of the classroom, how often they used group work and other ...