There’s no way anyone can reach their goal of attaining a college degree without doing some heavy reading ... textbooks themselves are a necessary part of that process. For many students ...
Students now seem increasingly incapable of reading whole books, a problem professors say is becoming the norm, even at some of the nation's most elite colleges. While college students today ...
Given the central role of reading comprehension on college admissions exams ... is to finish three ACT- or SAT-appropriate books by summer’s end. Students who prefer a more structured calendar ...
Many students who read this way find it difficult to participate in class discussions and do as well on their exams as they would like. If you read in ten-page chunks broken up over segments of time, ...
Smith expects all students to budget for books as part of their financial planning for college. Students whose book costs exceed their budgeted allowance may apply for aid from several sources on ...
Learn more For most college students, a huge part of those four years includes reading. Textbooks, PDFs, and articles can quickly pile up and, once a semester ends, you're stuck with stacks of ...
I prioritize reading for fun, and I hope to introduce accessible ways of reading to encourage reading. The benefits are not ...
While I have no doubt that there is benefit in reading the classics, and a class whose syllabus includes classic novels could ...
It is an understatement to say that the transition to college ... of the required textbooks for different courses, and those textbooks are kept in the reserves section so that students can check ...