In a world filled with aliens, gods, and superhumans, robots are some of the coolest, if not most underappreciated heroes ...
Bearing more than a little resemblance to a Gremlin of movie fame, Leonardo is a robot designed to interact with people — a social robot. Completed in 2002, Leonardo is two and a half feet tall ...
While thousands of humans work on the factory floor, more than 100 robots also pitch in to build the cars. We asked Tesla employees to show us what they consider to be the coolest robots working ...
Robots and automation are not "taking jobs ... between STEM and liberal arts to create new degrees for our future world. Drenik: Thanks, Kevin, for sharing your insights on the exciting world ...
While thousands of humans work on the factory floor, more than one hundred robots also pitch in to build the cars. We asked Tesla employees to show us what they consider to be the coolest robots ...
As to while the claim of “best” foosball robot has an asterisk? That’s because, although we’ve seen a few potential competitors over the years, there isn’t yet a world foosball competition.