Stalk rots are one of the most significant set of diseases on corn. These diseases are insidious, and often growers are unaware of their effects until harvest. Low levels of stalk rot occur in nearly ...
Disease Identification Anthracnose can be found on all parts of corn throughout the growing season. However, the disease is most often observed as a 1) leaf blight or spot, 2) top dieback, or 3) stalk ...
At the Woodbury RV Park in Butler County officials say floodwaters from recent storms swept through a neighboring cornfield, ...
Strong corn stalks are a bit like the proverbial double-edge sword. On one hand, they perform a critical job that supports farmers’ high-yield efforts. On the other, stalks often shred equipment ...
While agricultural burning contributes to the problem, wildfires remain the top contributor to seasonal pollution, a group said.