The agreements with Parcel Property, Forma Homes and Plunkett Homes are part of DHA’s New Builds Volume Leasing Program.
每经记者:陈晴    每经编辑:杨夏历时五年多,多次尝试未果之后,近期,纽曼思健康食品控股有限公司(以下简称纽曼思)第六次递表冲刺港股上市。纽曼思的主要产品是藻油DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)。凭借多年的品牌和渠道积累,2023年公司创造了4亿多元的营收, ...
At least 22 people were injured in western Turkey on Thursday when a tour bus with Japanese tourists onboard overturned on a ...
中新经纬10月11日电 (王玉玲)在社交平台上,DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)作为母婴保健品,有“脑黄金”之称,受到消费者关注。
The six vendors will offer medical management support, enrollment, provider network management and customer service to ...
The Department of Home Affairs has completed gazetting of all required elements for the Remote Work Visitor Visa.
Later, additional police force was deployed who sealed off the entire area to prevent any untoward incident because of the ...
Fatima Al Khaja, Chief Executive of Artificial Intelligence and Director of Customer Happiness Department at the Dubai Health Authority, stated that the DHA app serves as a high-level digital gateway.
() - Twenty American lawmakers sent a letter to Biden-Harris administration Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin urging the ...
同仁堂DHA核桃油和藻油是专为学生、儿童、婴幼儿和成人设计的凝胶糖果。每粒含0.71克,共3瓶60粒。富含高纯度的Omega-3脂肪酸,特别是对大脑发育和功能维护非常重要。方便食用且无需水 ...
保龄宝(002286.SZ):与海智源就DHA藻油及相关产品签署战略合作框架协议  快报 ...
近日,据港交所披露,母婴DHA产品零售商纽曼思健康食品控股有限公司(简称“纽曼思”)第六次申请在港交所主板上市,独家保荐人为财通国际。 成立于2007年的纽曼思,主要产品涵盖藻油DHA、益生菌、维生素、多维营养素及藻钙等五大类别的营养补充品。其中,藻油DHA作为纽曼思的拳头产品,贡献公司90%以上收入。 招股书中,这家自我定位为“优质营养品”“专利品牌拥有人”的公司,不无骄矜地将藻油DHA产品的建 ...