Il peut sembler curieux qu’un philosophe tel que Jacques Derrida se préoccupe d’un sujet que le grand public trouve courant et banalisé dans nos pratiques quotidiennes tel que celui du mensonge.
Applying Jacques Derrida's concept of deconstruction to Ethiopia's political, social, economic, and foreign affairs invites a critical examination of the underlying assumptions, contradictions, and ...
In 1966, at Johns Hopkins University in the US, a little-known glamorous French philosopher called Jacques Derrida took to the stage and eviscerated the prevailing philosophy of the day, making him an ...
À l’occasion des 20 ans de la mort du philosophe, le Seuil réédite “Spectres de Marx”, texte qui n’a cessé depuis 1993 de hanter le champ de la pensée et des arts.
Show more In 1966, at Johns Hopkins University in the US, a little-known glamorous French philosopher called Jacques Derrida took to the stage and eviscerated the prevailing philosophy of the day ...