Doctor Who series 8 (2014) - The first series of Peter Capaldi's tenure as the Doctor. Who is the new Doctor and will Clara's friendship with him survive as they embark on a terrifying mission ...
That's a lot of Doctor Who to sift through and assess! For each revival series, I’ll be highlighting what I consider to be single best and single worst episode of each run (plus a couple of ...
Unfortunately, 47 episodes are a lot to watch before November, so we’ve gone through David Tennant’s entire run as the Tenth Doctor and picked out the very best stories that any new viewer or ...
The first episode of Doctor Who was aired on 23 November 1963. The cover of the Radio Times that week announced "a new Saturday-afternoon television series of adventures in time and space".
Villengard's involvement in the Christmas special hints at their potential role in season 15. The highly-anticipated Christmas Day episode of Doctor Who has confirmed that Villengard will be ...