Cover crops are proven to increase available nutrients, water and organic matter and reduce soil erosion over the winter months, providing a great start for the next season’s crop. With time ...
We’re out in one or 2% organic matter soils. So, trying to raise those for better soil health, better water penetration when we get a rainfall event.” Cover crops have also lowered his input ...
Crops with allelopathic properties may suppress subsequent crop growth. Cover crops may be sown to protect soil from erosion, for snow trapping or to increase soil organic matter. When the cover crop ...
When it comes to farming, there’s no one a farmer trusts more than a fellow farmer — someone who knows what it’s like to ...
Cover crops are crops that grow quickly which will shield the bare soil underneath,' says Jessica. 'They capture nutrients that might otherwise leach away and improve organic content when tilled ...
University of Michigan study finds cover crop mixtures enhance soil health and lower carbon emissions, but cost concerns ...
The demand for organically grown crops is on the rise. To be successful, producers need to understand the principles behind soil and crop management and become familiar with organically acceptable ...