If you notice patches of dry skin appearing on your face, consult a dermatologist on how to best treat it. A dermatologist can provide you with a treatment plan and advice on how to best keep your ...
Retinol increases cell turnover, which can lighten pigmentation. "For melasma, retinol can be used as a stand-alone topical ...
That’s because the skin in those creases is thinner than the rest of your face, which means it’s already super vulnerable to ...
It's a fact universally acknowledged that the change in season can play havoc on our skin. Cue the inevitable lacklustre complexion and perennially dry skin as soon as the temperature drops.
Skin fissures also known as cracks or splits are dry cracked patches of skin that become thicker as time passes Here are some ...
But according to dermatologist Kathleen Suozzi from the Yale School of Medicine, the barnacle-looking patch of skin on Trump's face is probably not a sun spot, and it likely has nothing to do with ...
In fact, on an average night you’ll find me in heatless curlers and flannel PJs, face ... patches, I’m looking for all this as well as ingredients that soothe (and don’t dry) my skin.
From anti-ageing formulas and lifting face lotions to moisturisers ... with noticeably more hydrated skin. My skin felt less tight, my dry patches had disappeated and my skin looked visibly ...
If you've been using the same industrial-sized jar of moisturiser on dry skin and you’ve not seen any results, it might be time to rethink your regimen. After all, the humble moisturiser is the ...