In 35 cases, however, AED treatment was started or stopped subsequent to the presence or absence of seizure activity, respectively, on the EEG. Figure 1: Alterations to anticonvulsant ...
The seizures were preceded by a “bad feeling” in the epigastric region and were followed by confusion, agitation, or somnolence. An electroencephalogram (EEG) reportedly revealed bitemporal ...
A recent report has described the use of video-electroencephalography (video-EEG) in the management of patients with atypical juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). The work highlights the importance ...
Ceribell, which just raised $207 million in its IPO, is making waves with its portable EEG headset. CEO Jane Chao hopes it becomes the new standard of acute care. Nonconvulsive seizures can kill ...