在全球半导体制程限制和高端 GPU 受限的大环境下,FPGA 成为了中国企业发展的重要路径之一。它可支持灵活的 AIoT 应用,其灵活性与可编程性使其可以在国内成熟的 28nm 工艺甚至更低节点的制程下实现高效的硬件加速。
Typically, if you want to build an FPGA project inside a PC, you’d need a fairly expensive development board that plugs into ...
DOVER, NH-- November 1, 2010 - Intellitech announced today a free version of its NEBULA software to enable FPGA and SoC designers to develop and validate JTAG/IJTAG based infrastructure IP. The ...
FPGA.begin()) { Serial.println("Initialization ... the examples and/or figure out how to force the processor off the JTAG bus. The good news is it sounds like this information is coming, it ...
QuickCores develops and licenses synthesizable microcontroller IP for embedding in FPGA and ASIC devices. All of QuickCores microcontroller IP is built on a patented real-time monitor and data ...