There has been an increase in encounters with counterfeit postage stamps around card-heavy holidays, officials said.
Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement officers at the Chicago International Mail Branch stopped eight shipments containing a total of 161,860 fake stamps that violated trademark laws last weekend ...
US Border patrol seized 161,860 fake US stamps shipped from China. If real, the stamps would be worth more than $118,000. The federal agency, which routinely inspects packages on arriving ...
The stamps were seized for violating trademark laws and deemed fake "based on the very low invoice value, the routing, and the extraordinary efforts undertaken to conceal the stamps." The ...
The operation resulted in 200,000 counterfeit U.S. Forever Stamps from Hong Kong being seized. The fake stamps were valued at $146,000. Officials said that during an inspection at a sorting ...
U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized 200,000 counterfeit U.S. Forever Stamps at the inland Port of Birmingham in Alabama ...
Authentic stamps are made at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving & Printing. Counterfeits are typically produced in China, the agency said, but the release noted that the fakes are becoming increasingly ...
Counterfeit postal stamps worth nearly $150,000 were confiscated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection investigators in Birmingham. The seizure, authorities said, stopped 200,000 fake Forever ...
U.S. Customs and Border Protections officers seized more than 161,000 fake stamps over the weekend, the agency said Thursday. If genuine, the stamps would have a face value of about $118,000 ...
The collection of excise duty in the year ended ... In 2018, the KRA noted that fake stamps and counterfeit goods caused a Sh7.35 billion fall in excise tax in the six months to December 31 ...