An animated film on Frantz Fanon, one of the first intellectuals to expose the effects of racism on the psyche.
As Massachusetts moved to limit shelter costs and stays, the Eduoards and other migrant families stared down a ...
Memphis-Shelby County Schools is suing multiple drug companies. Attorneys call it a mass action lawsuit, with nearly 100 ...
Edward Said and Frantz Fanon, two intellectual giants of the 20th century, profoundly shaped postcolonial theory and decolonial thought .
Residents are suing the operator of a wastewater treatment plant, accusing it of illegally discharging more than a billion ...
San Diego attorney James Frantz filed a mass action lawsuit Friday against Veolia Water West Operating Services, Inc.; Veolia ...
The district is suing a group of pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefit managers in federal court for allegedly ...
OCEANSIDE, Calif. — The Oceanside Unified School District has filed a lawsuit against some big-name pharmaceutical companies, ...