Last year NASCAR announced that iRacing had acquired the NASCAR Team Properties (NTP), an exclusive license for ...
GameMaker has released a free Steam game by the name of GameMaker 25th Anniversary to celebrate a quarter of a century on our ...
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from EF-12: Fighting Game Maker A fully customizable 3D fighting game. Advertisement All the Latest Game Footage and Images from EF-12: Fighting Game Maker A ...
As Gen Z navigate what they want from a career in advertising, the industry is starting to wake up to the fact that it needs young talent more than they need it ...
I don't believe ideas are anywhere near as important as execution, but with Super Mario Maker the ideas got Nintendo a good chunk of the way there. Further than most games, arguably. All the ...
What does it take to be the creative director of one of the world’s most popular computer games? We spoke to Matt Prior of EA Sports’ FIFA series Creative Review: Creative director of EA Sports’ FIFA ...
Roblox was first released in 2006, but has seen dramatic growth during the Covid-19 pandemic as children who were forced to stay home spent more time playing games. Its revenue jumped 91% from a ...