提问:你会不会吃完饭就想睡觉? 小U听到有朋友说:会! 不过,我们常说的“吃饱就睡会长胖”是真的吗? 最近,话题“吃饱就睡其实和长胖没太大关系”就登上了热搜,引发网友热议。 有网友表示,这下能放心睡了: 但是,也有网友表示怀疑: ...
A global panel of agrarians has called for innovation-driven green transition of the world's agri-food system as part of the ...
A Greek study found that napping more than three times a week for under 30 minutes reduces the risk of heart disease by 37%.
Cubis是一款3D动作游戏,玩家需要操控立方体角色进行战斗。游戏画面精美,操作简单易上手。玩家可以通过收集能量来发射冲击波攻击敌人,并进入突发模式进行更加强力的攻击。游戏中的场景设计独特,充满挑战性,适合喜欢动作游戏的玩家。 Stickman ...
时间来到了2050年,由于降雨的消失,青尼罗河几乎干涸,而这些降雨的源头在历史上一直来自于刚果盆地雨林贡献的大气河流。萨赫尔、非洲之角和撒哈拉北部近5亿人口如今走上了迁徙之路,以远离干旱、饥荒和水资源争夺战带来的灾难性影响,而这一切归咎于数十年前人们 ...
“气候操场”空间改造项目充分体现了平等、包容的精神。该学校接收 2.5 岁至 12岁年龄段的儿童,每学年约有 500 ...
From Hami melons in Xinjiang to bell peppers from Shandong, a wide array of goods passes through Baktu Port in Tacheng, ...
BEIJING, Oct. 3 (Xinhua) -- China has made significant progress in implementing the 102 key projects listed in its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), with notable achievements seen in sectors such as ...
The ongoing trade-in program for home appliances has led to a surge in sales revenues which topped 33.5 billion yuan (4.78 ...
Nineteen racers from 13 countries clashed at Wusongkou International Cruise Port for the 2024 F1H2O Grand Prix. The 2024 ...
SHANGHAI, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- As of September, China's maritime fleet has seen its capacity grow to 430 million deadweight tonnes, accounting for 18.7 percent of the world's total, according to a ...