Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel attended Gujarat's cultural event, Ranotsav, celebrating Kutch's art and heritage. The event ...
Seven persons, including four college students, headed to a village to appear for an exam, were killed when two cars collided ...
Seven people, including five students were killed in a tragic accident on the Junagadh-Veraval highway near Maliya Hatina ...
CM Patel emphasized that the Rann, once seen as barren land, has now become a gateway of global tourism through the Rann Utsav, a testament to the PM's foresight. Dhordo, the venue of the festival, ...
In an example of the Union government's commitment to empowering citizens through sustainable energy solutions, a family from ...
A recent government report reveals that Gujarat's coastline has eroded by 537.5km over 28 years, impacting 449 villages across the state due to severe coastal erosion prompted by climate change and ...