African Americans are less likely than others to get head lice but definitely aren’t immune. Clearing up the myth is the ...
Any parent who has a child at school will know (or will soon know!) the sheer frustration that can come with treating a head ...
Author and wife of actor Jason Biggs, Jenny Mollen, says she thought her itching was caused by “perimenopause symptoms” and ...
Jenny Mollen sparks backlash for boarding plane while infected with head lice - The author and wife of actor Jason Biggs said ...
A Middleboro hair salon is getting bugged out by the fact that people are confusing it with a lice clinic located in the same ...
Instagram users appear to have questions and concerns after actress Jenny Mollen shared a video revealing her itchy head lice discovery while on an airplane. Mollen, who appeared in the film "My ...
Head lice affect more than 100 million people worldwide annually. Permethrin (1% formulation) is efficacious but resistance is emerging. Malathion (0.5% formulation) is an alternative, but ...
Lice are spread by direct contact with the hair or items that an infested person has used, like hats, combs, brushes, towels, pillows, beds or even stuffed animals. Although head lice are not ...
Her traveling companion, a woman named Caroline, looked in her hair and discovered that she had lice, Mollen explained. “I’m on a plane with Caroline, and she just looked at my head,” she ...
Wearing a plastic bag partially covering her hair ... week that I said my head was itchy and I thought I was having perimenopause symptoms? Guess what? I have f–king lice.” ...