A fearless rodeo rider in Florida had a close brush with death when the bull he was riding gored him in the neck while being ...
A professional rodeo rider in Florida almost bled to death when he was impaled in the neck by a bull horn in front of hundreds of horrified spectators after his steed threw him off ...
Bull rider Zach Naegele, 24, has said he's "blessed to be alive" after he took a horn 'straight to the neck' and lost 'two ...
slides toward the bull’s head during the animal’s violent dance and falls over its front end — as the beast’s horn punctures his neck, the footage shows. In a state of shock, he runs to ...
Close your eyes. What do you see when you hear “bull rider”? Chances are, it’s a man. Kristal Puente, of the Navajo tribe, is ...
the most notable of which is orange Aldebaran which marks the angry eye of the constellation of Taurus the Bull and lies in relatively close proximity below Jupiter. Jupiter is currently setting ...