人类下丘脑的高分辨率空间图谱使得识别特定细胞,确定其确切位置并分析其邻近细胞成为可能,研究人员开发的名为Hypomap的细胞图谱目前正向科学界开放,有望帮助开发抵御人类肥胖和糖尿病的新型药物。下丘脑是人类大脑中的中心区域,其控制着诸如睡眠、体温、饥饿 ...
引言在我们的大脑深处,隐藏着一个只有拇指大小的区域,它不仅决定了我们的饥饿感、体温调节、睡眠节律,甚至还影响着情绪、压力反应和生殖健康。这个区域就是——下丘脑(hypothalamus),被誉为人体的“指挥官”。尽管其体积微小,却是影响全身代谢、内分泌以及行为的重要中枢。然而,过去几十年间,研究人员对下丘脑的理 ...
Navigating uncertain situations is a fundamental part of life for all animals. When faced with a choice between a predictable ...
Researchers at Brown University and Cincinnati Children’s found that suppressing opsin 3 in the brain of mice makes them eat ...
The hypothalamus is a central region of the brain that controls vital functions such as sleep, body temperature, hunger and thirst. Because the human brain is difficult to study, much knowledge about ...
You have full access to this article via your institution. By analogy, one could argue that CLK2 may be expressed in the hypothalamus and may have a role controlling energy homeostasis through ...
The hypothalamus in the brain contains the temperature monitoring centre for the body. The hypothalamus receives nerve impulses from structures in the skin called thermoreceptors, which give ...
Estrogens are best known as hormones that regulate sexual development in women, although men produce them as well. Now, a new ...
A high-resolution spatial map of the human hypothalamus makes it possible to identify specific cells, determine their exact location and analyze their neighboring cells. The cell atlas ...
That is about to all change as a result of the first “map” of the human hypothalamus that has been published by researchers at Cambridge University. The combination of targeting these two ...
In mice, the neurons that dictate the feeling of being full are also the ones that cause sugar cravings, potentially ...