Walking out ahead of his and his partner, Matthew Immers’s, match against the Chilean national team, Van de Velde was met with a loud response, as he was at his first Olympic match at Eiffel ...
The 29-year-old, who has been booed by crowds throught the Games, played alongside volleyball partner Matthew Immers. They ...
LUCI immers机身尺寸为168*47*50mm,重180g,精致小巧,便于携带。 整机纯黑配色,低调沉稳毫不张扬,外观方面,采用了经典的VR眼镜造型,边角做了 ...
京东以"头戴影院"搜索一下,刨除VR和低分辨率的,真正能够符合需求的,只有GOOVIS和LUCI immers了。这两款产品定位类似,价格也都不便宜,不实际 ...