The regulator HIF1α functions in a cancer-microenvironment that lacks oxygen, and it may be involved in resistance to immune ...
γ-干扰素释放试验(interferon-γreleaseassay,IGRA)是现代医学中用于检测结核分枝杆菌感染的主要工具之一,因其高特异性且不受卡介苗(BCG)接种 ...
The type I interferon (IFN) system constitutes a highly ... targeting type I IFNs are addressed. Type II IFN (IFN-γ) is quite distinct from types I and III IFN. Only natural killer (NK) cells ...
On the 50th anniversary of the discovery of interferon (IFN), we offer a perspective from more than 100,000 published papers, highlighting initial pivotal discoveries and more recent findings of ...
Infection with an atypical mycobacterium in an otherwise healthy child warrants investigation for abnormalities in the number and function of T cells, defects in interferon-γ signaling ...