Courses listed in regular font are strongly recommended ... YEAR 1 PHYS 102 - General Physics MATH 112 - Calculus II YEAR 2 PHYS 201 - Modern Physics APSC 251 – Intro to Engineering and Design APSC ...
A laboratory (PHYS 222Y) is associated with this course. A survey of the major developments in physics of the 20th century, as well as an introduction to more sophisticated mathematical and laboratory ...
A survey course for students majoring in sound recording technology. Topics covered include:one and two dimensional motion, Newton's Laws of dynamics, statics, circular motion, work and energy, linear ...
An introductory course on phenomena and methods relevant to the study of physics. The use of physics concepts, including conservation laws, to analyse physical systems. Conversion of information ...
Modern physics(Phys 2130/2170), is the third semester in our three-semester sequence of introductory physics courses. It comes in two flavors at CU: a course for ...
For non-science majors; does not apply toward the area of concentration with a major in physics. Prerequisite(s): (1 Course from MATH 1200-4999, Math Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 1200, ...
PHYS 100 - Engineering Prep PHYS 100 - Engineering Prep PHYS 100 - Engineering Prep PHYS 101 - Fundamentals of Physics I PHYS 101 - Fundamentals ... Acoustics PHYS 151 - Applied Physics PHYS 152 - ...
Coaching is available on a walk-in basis for students in introductory physics courses beginning the second week of the semester. Weekly individual appointments and study-group sessions are also ...
Center provides tutoring both in-person and via Zoom for Drexel students taking introductory physics courses offered by the Department of Physics. Your course instructor will give detailed ...
Introduction to the physical principles underlying the electronic structure and the electronic and thermal properties of solids from macroscopic to nanometer dimensions. General quantum mechanics and ...
Introduction to the fundamental physics of radiation therapy, with emphasis on external beam photon and electron therapy and on brachytherapy. For these modalities, the basic operation of delivery ...
An introduction to physics concepts including motion ... solving techniques to answer problems and relate theory to observation. The fourth number of the course code shows the level of the course. For ...