Most people are familiar with sodium chloride (commonly known as salt) as a kitchen ingredient, but it also has important medical uses. Sodium chloride (NaCl), also known as salt, is an essential ...
药材基源:为茄科植物番茄的新果实。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Lycopersicon esculintum Mill.[Solanum lycopersicum L.] 采收和储藏:夏、秋季果实成熟时采收,洗净,鲜用。 【原形态】一年或多年生草本。植株高0.6-2m。全株被粘质腺毛。茎直立,易倒伏,触地则生根。
A little water helps expose the sodium so it can react with the chlorine gas. The reaction releases a lot of heat as the ionic compound sodium chloride is formed. A sodium and chlorine atom are near ...
Sodium chloride, calcium chloride, lithium chloride, potassium chloride, copper(II) sulfate (1 g per salt per group) Concentrated hydrochloric acid (teacher to control and dispense small ...
Sodium and chlorine react vigorously when heated, giving an orange flame and clouds of white sodium chloride.