Naoko Fukumaru working on kinstugi. Portland Japanese Garden in Oregon is thrilled to present Kintsugi: The Restorative Art of Naoko Fukumaru in the Pavilion and Calvin/ Mayho Tanabe Galleries now ...
It's the building she and her co-founder Paul Spiegelman are now working to turn into Kintsugi Village. "This is going to be a community hub," Daher explained. Kintsugi Village is a nonprofit.
Kintsugi says its AI needs only 20 seconds of voice audio to analyze speech for signs of depression and anxiety. That screening capability is being integrated into call centers, telehealth ...
While the decision was a boon for states, it created a headache for e-commerce sellers. Kintsugi is looking to offload and automate calculating and filing sales tax for companies. The San ...
Using lacquer to reassemble broken vessels by pasting shards together and coating with gold or silver powder, a technique known as kintsugi. In Western cultures, repairs aim to return a piece to ...