The statement also said the Holy Father “continues to be alert and well oriented” and is still receiving oxygen therapy “at ...
The opening of the Holy Door in the atrium of the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of Rome and "mother of all churches", precedes those that will take place at Santa Maria Maggiore (St Mary Major ...
2, No. 4, Oct. - Dec., 1886 Notes on Christian Mosaics. II. The Port... Notes on Christian Mosaics. II. The Portico of the Lateran Basilica This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section ...
Plenipotentiaries for both sides met at a table in the historic St. John Lateran palace and signed the agreement ending the dispute that had lasted since 1870. Benito Mussolini premier of Italy ...
Zum Lateran gehört außer der Lateranbasilika auch der Lateranpalast, der urspr. der Regierungs-und Verwaltungssitz der Päpste war und in dem sich heute das Ordinariat der Erzdiözese Rom befindet.
“For the purposes of maintaining the privileges of extraterritoriality guaranteed pursuant to articles 15 and 16 of the Lateran Treaty — from which the area in question benefits by virtue of ...
It was an experience of courage and hope because even though we do not have a common language, we still tried to speak to one ...