The laws of physics naturally drive systems towards states of increasing disorder and thermal equilibrium, as we all know. Yet these basic precepts, when applied to the Universe as a whole ...
We here at Hackaday fully support the laws of thermodynamics, and we think you should too. But you have to admit that a pump that works without any apparent energy inputs looks kind of shady at ...
All the 3D files and details are available if you want to build your own downwind cart. Continue reading “$10 000 Physics Wager Settles The Debate On Sailing Downwind Faster Than The Wind” → ...
The first logical step is to assess how likely it is, if one assumes that the underlying physics really does imply a power law, that one would find the actual empirical data. This calculation is ...
Modern physics rests largely on classical laws of the constancy of such quantities as electric charge. The extension of physics into new realms, however, requires that these laws be re-examined ...