The information is out there, but no one has laid out the process of going from writing C code to programming a chip. Written for Linux users that are familiar with microcontrollers, basic ...
The tutorial assumes you understand C and basic Linux programming. It has two sections, really. One on how to plot points on the screen and another that covers basic graphics algorithms for ...
This course provides an overview of System Programming for the Linux operating system, or software which is interfacing directly with the Linux Kernel and C library. The basic components of a Linux ...
The Yocto build system is introduced, which students use to build their own custom Embedded Linux system through programming assignments. Prior knowledge needed: Knowledge of C Programming and ...
Nobody wants memory bugs. Penguinistas continue debate on how to squish 'em Some Linux kernel maintainers remain unconvinced that adding Rust code to the open source project is a good idea, but its ...
What’s the craic? Michael Larabel reports: Compelling Case For New Linux Kernel Drivers To Be Written In Rust ...
Several Linux developers are concerned about adding Rust code to the open-source operating system, particularly in the kernel ...
Linus Torvalds has finally taken a stand on the current disputes – but only after they caused two Linux developers to ...