Two people with spinal cord injuries have regained the ability to walk after receiving the experimental treatment.
How do you live in a world that makes no sense at all? How do you exist when every second of your life is an unsolvable ...
Higher or lower levels of certain proteins in your blood appear to indicate if your brain's age is older than your actual age ...
Scientists were astonished to find that recirculating preserving agents through a severed pig's head caused its brain to show ...
Fish, of course, are not humans, but they allow a fair comparison, Salinas said. And her work suggests that if fish have ...
A new study claims to have identified 13 proteins associated with either accelerated or decelerated brain aging. However, ...
A new laboratory study in mice suggests that primates like humans evolved large brains with a helping hand from microbes that ...
Researchers at IIT Madras have created a highly detailed 3D map of developing fetal brains during the second trimester. Named ...
By simulating how the human brain processes a moving world, Scripps researchers have reached a breakthrough in AI as current ...