Metals are everywhere around us from the cars we drive to the phones we use and the buildings we live in. They are essential ...
has called on the Federal Government to declare a state of emergency on the metal industry. This was part of the communique issued by the body after its Annual Conference which ended in Enugu ...
2024年10月29日,埃及投资和对外贸易部发布公告称,应埃及企业El Obour for Metallurgical Industries和KAMA Manufacturing申请,对原产于或进口自土耳其和中国的进口冷轧卷、镀锌卷和彩涂卷钢材产品(参考英文名称:Cold Rolled Coil, Galvanized and Pre-Painted Steel)启动反倾销调查。本案倾销调查期为2 ...
Sun Metalon has successfully closed a $21 million Series A funding round, bringing its total capital raised to $30.7 million.
Annual General Meeting held in August 2024 celebrated the Institute’s 130th birthday and 70 years since the Journal was first ...
A trade group representing scrap metal workers has sued the Minnesota Department of Commerce, alleging that a new law designed to curb copper theft will violate the state’s constitution and shutter ...