Stir through and set aside. Dust the monkfish fillets in the remaining spice mixture. Heat a splash of olive oil in a non-stick frying pan set over a medium heat and cook the fillets for 6-8 ...
To serve, spoon the peas onto warmed serving plates, along with some of the sauce. Slice each monkfish fillet into 2 or 3 pieces and arrange on top of the peas, spooning a little more of the sauce ...
Method Bring the fish stock to the boil in a saucepan and add the fennel halves. Simmer for 6-7 minutes, or until tender, ...
Cut each monkfish fillet into four portions. Combine the spices, garlic, ginger, yoghurt and lemon juice in a bowl and add the monkfish portions. Coat the fish all over with the paste and let it ...
Drain the cooking liquor into a pan reduce to a thick liquid. Cut the monkfish fillet lengthwise in half through the middle, stopping before you go through, and open up. Season with salt.
Salmon and monkfish are round fish that do not flake ... To get rid of any stray scales, when you get home, you can rinse off the fish or fillets in cold water, pat them dry with a paper towel ...
Step 2: Remove central bone from the monkfish and cut fillets into 16 chunks. Place fish in marinade, add prawns and mix. Refrigerate for six hours. Soak wooden skewers in warm water for six hours ...