That’s right, the prospect of an iPhone Flip could be exactly what the foldable phone market needs — or so says this report.
Apple is reportedly planning to release a foldable iPhone, the iPhone Flip, in 2026, which will mimic the design of the ...
据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone Flip)的七大看点,一起来围观下。 折叠屏手机需要坚固的铰链机构,苹果可以使用钛或 ...
苹果作为智能手机行业的巨头,长久以来一直未涉足折叠屏领域,这让不少科技爱好者感到好奇。然而,最新的消息显示,苹果似乎正悄悄研发其首款折叠屏手机,暂命名为iPhone Flip。外媒近期对这款未来产品进行了七大亮点的预测,让我们一同来探索。
【CNMO科技消息】苹果几乎是主流手机厂商中唯一没有进军折叠屏领域的一家。不过,苹果并非没有相关计划,有消息称,苹果的折叠屏手机正在开发中。据CNMO了解,外媒在近期预测了苹果折叠屏手机(暂称iPhone Flip)的七大看点,一起来围观下。
Apple is reportedly gearing up to enter the foldable smartphone market with a flip-style device, potentially named the ...
After claiming the foldable iPhone is coming in 2026, a display insider says that Apple has chosen the Fold design over the ...
Apple's first foldable iPhone might not look the way many had expected. (Hint: there won't be a clamshell design.) ...
Apple's first foldable iPhone is in the works, and I think the iPhone 17 Air will deliver key technologies for a foldable ...
Despite the nearly seven-year delay between the release of the first commercial foldable phone and now, Apple is expected to ...