However, nitrogenase research is challenging because nitrogenases are highly complex metalloenzymes and many aspects of their reactivity and catalysis are still poorly understood. Researchers led ...
The enzyme nitrogenase is responsible for the binding of nitrogen. One of the most serious problems with the transfer to plants is that nitrogenase is extremely sensitive to atmospheric oxygen ...
Nitrogenase catalyzes the breaking of this bond and the addition of three hydrogen atoms to each nitrogen atom. Microorganisms that fix nitrogen require 16 moles of adenosine triphosphate (ATP ...
Allen, A. D., and Senoff, C. V., Chem. Commun., 621 (1965). Allen, A. D., Bottomley, F., Harris, R. O., Reinsalu, V. P., and Senoff, C. V., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 89 ...
Nitrogenase, Nitrogenase-Komplex, das für die biologische Fixierung des atmosphärischen Stickstoffs verantwortliche Enzym. N. besteht aus den beiden Schlüsselenzymkomponenten Dinitrogenase-Reductase ...
In der Natur sorgen Nitrogenase-Enzyme dafür, diese Umwandlung bei moderaten Reaktionsbedingungen zu katalysieren. Einige Varianten des Nitrogenase-Enzyms ermöglichen auch die Reduktion von ...