Mid-distance wedge shots are tricky shots to master. Here are five tips from Top 100 Teacher Kellie Stenzel to improve on ...
The way your lower body moves in the golf swing is important—really important. Golf Digest Best Young Teacher Michael Dutro ...
You can eliminate fat shots from your game by listening to this easy fix from GOLF Top 100 Teacher E.A. Tischler.
The first part of the golf swing is called the takeaway ... In truth, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to the length of backswing. Just look at two of the best Johns (or Jons) - both ...
A lot of good golfers chase a lot of width on the backswing, which can be beneficial because it creates a big, powerful stretch. But when you overdo it, as Golf Digest’s No. 1-ranked coach Mark ...
has shared a simple yet highly effective drill to prevent one of the most common swing problems in golf – under rotation. Under rotation of the upper body in the backswing can lead to inconsistent ...
There is an expression in golf: “Swing within yourself,” which ... It’s about 60 on a metronome. One is the backswing; two is the ball strike, no matter how long your putt may be.