当研究人员第一次绘制人类基因组图谱时,他们震惊地发现只有2%的DNA是编码蛋白质的"明码区段(coding regions)",其余98%的"暗物质(dark matter)"——也就是非编码区(noncoding ...
An artificial-intelligence network trained on a vast trove of sequence data is a step towards designing completely new ...
Most of these variants map to noncoding genomic regions, making it unclear which genes they affect ... and figure out which genes are targets. Parking a giant CRISPR repressor on DNA is helpful for ...
What about the rest of the cases of CHD? Noncoding DNA elements have long been thought to play a role in CHD, but few variants have been pinned down as causative. New work from the lab of ...
Only around two percent of the human genome codes for proteins, and while those proteins carry out many important functions ...
“The functional diversity [of noncoding RNAs] is tremendous and impressive.” Research into how RNAs function in the brain has progressed more slowly than the study of protein function, however. For ...
Humans have appreciated the beauty of flowers for centuries. Yet, flowers aren't just aesthetically pleasing. They also play ...
Swiss start-up Haya Therapeutics has formed a partnership with Eli Lilly – worth up to $1 billion – to look for new therapies for obesity in non-coding DNA. The biotech focuses on trawling the ...