Many cultures tell fascinating tales about turtles. Several North American Native tribes speak of a great turtle floating in a primal sea, before there was any land. Here lived all the other animals ...
Bog turtles are North America’s smallest turtles, measuring about the length of a human thumb. They’re also one of the world’s most imperiled turtles: Their southern population has declined by 50% ...
The playful North American river otter is equally at home ... Fish are a favorite food, but they also eat amphibians, turtles, and crayfish. On land, river otters can bound and run quite well ...
similar to some of its closer relatives—bothremydid turtles found in North America and Africa." Based on the fossil-rich sites where the turtle remains were found, which also include the bones ...
normally found off the shores of Europe and North America, and the Eastern Pacific green turtle, which has been found in coastal waters from Alaska to Chile. Weighing up to 700 pounds green ...
The Stupendemys geographicus was roughly the size of a car Fossils of a turtle the size of a car have been unearthed in what is now northern South America. The turtle - Stupendemys geographicus ...
The lawsuit filed on Monday pushes the Fish and Wildlife Service to make decisions about protections for both southern bog turtles and a fish called the roughhead shiner. North America’s ...